Fasting and Reflecting
It should bring the sinner to a place of sincere repentance, repentance that causes change not religious hypocrisy.
Let us all turn away from the sins that so entangle us and look to Jesus our hope and our deliverer.
Love Can Make A Difference
Love can make a difference. Let everything you do be done in love.
True Believers Love God
It means putting love into action, a covenant between you and Christ.
Live Like Christ
Align your intentions with His heart and trust in the strength of love to mend racial divide.
God’s Deliverance
It is crucial that we not forget the things that shaped us, our history.
Gospel Spirituals
When slaves were being transported from their land, although those who captured them couldn’t understand their language, it is said that they could feel their sorrow through their singing.
Relentless Faith
It was faith, a relentless faith in God and hope for a better future they suffered and why many of us are here today.
Imitate Christ
It is what we are called to do “imitate” Christ but not to be lauded or seen as someone special but to be an example of Christ in behavior and in action.
HIS Faithfulness
We fall away, reject Him, refuse to obey His words, continually sin and He continues to pursue us.
Living for Christ
Living for Christ means being an example of His nature, His purpose, and His life yet it doesn’t mean things will be easy.
Give Thanks Anyway
However the offer of thanksgiving is not on what He’s done but what you know that He can and will do.
Pray Through Turmoil
Before Jesus’ farewell He spoke to His disciples to bring peace to what was sure to be an unsettling time for them.
Christ’s Perfect Will
It is the dream that drives those who seek love, unity, fellowship, fairness, equity and justice. This must be the rallying cry for all Christians if we are to fulfill the will of God.