

“Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, (Acts 3:19-20a).”

Ash Wednesday (A Christian Holy Day) marks the beginning of the Lenten season. Some are already dreading the thought of not having some of their creature comforts. But let’s turn our thoughts inward instead of outward. Yes, Ash Wednesday usually begins as a day of fasting but it does not mean that this day of denial should be a day of suffering. Rather see it is a day of repentance. Repentance as the ashes are placed on your forehead symbolizing Jesus’ death and our need to repent. Repentance for the sins we’ve committed and death as we remember that Jesus died for the very sins we committed.

Let us all turn away from the sins that so entangle us and look to Jesus our hope and our deliverer.


Fasting and Reflecting


Feed Your Spirit