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Past Events


Trifecta of Destruction Part 3: Panic

Pastor Mamie explores how the Prophet Elijah experienced anxiety, depression and panic. We learned how God used Pastor Mamie’s personal experience with panic to shape her future for His service. In Pastor Mamie Johnson’s new book, Caught in the Undertow: God’s Rescue for Anxiety, Panic and Depression, she takes an in-depth look at panic. To order your copy of her new book, click HERE.

 Trifecta of Destruction Part 2 : Depression

On Saturday, August 15, 2020, Pastor Mamie shared her webinar on depression. Participants learned about the many causes of depression, how Bible characters dealt with depression and most importantly, God’s cure for depression. Please enjoy the recording and plan to join Pastor Mamie for her final installation of Trifecta of Destruction: God’s Cure for PANIC on Saturday, November 7, 2020.

Trifecta of Destruction Part 1: Anxiety.

Do you live with anxiety? Worried thoughts plague your mind preventing you from experiencing a full life. Believing the world’s lies and refusing to understand who you were created to be perpetuates a response of uncertainty. Anxious thoughts left unchecked bring along their two companions ... panic and depression. Join Mamie Johnson Ministries for the Trifecta of Destruction: God’s Cure a 3-part webinar addressing Anxiety, Depression and Panic. God has an antidote and if you trust in Him, He will quiet the troublesome unrest that robs your soul.