Love Can Make A Difference


“Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14).”

The center of the Christian faith is love. Everything we do and say should be done with the love of Christ in mind. Sounds easy however consider those who aren’t exactly lovable and there are some out there. Christian love has nothing to do with how others treat you but how you treat them. Whether it is the annoying co-worker, that pesty neighbor, the off-key choir member, that erratic driver, that drug addicted brother or sister, God says, love them and treat them lovingly. And it’s not hard if the love of God abides in you.

In July 1962 Dr. Martin Luther King along with Ralph Abernathy shared a jail cell for 15 days that according to King was, “dirty, filthy, and ill-equipped’ and “the worse I have ever seen” (King, “Reverend M.L. King’s Diary”). But it was in that jail cell, behind bars that he prepared drafts for several sermons, “Loving Enemies,” “Love in Action,” and “Shattered Dreams”. If in spite of his condition he had the strength to love then so must we.

Love can make a difference. Let everything you do be done in love.


Sacrificial Love


True Believers Love God