Show Kindness Anyway
So, even if the recipient of your kindness is not returned, do what is right anyway.

Desired Peace
Setting your mind on Christ is putting yourself in the peace that Christ offers all who believe in Him.

An Inheritance of Peace
When trouble comes, remember you have within you a precious inheritance, a gift that can quiet whatever seeks to take away the gift of Christ's peace. It is what Christ left for His children, an inheritance that money cannot buy.

Let Love Prevail
Therefore, practice love by giving love, opening your heart so that others can feel God’s presence living in you.

Jesus never sent His disciples out alone and God created us to be in relationship with one another.

No Separation From Christ’s Love
Nothing can or will prevent God from loving you. You may be tested and occasionally fall away from His divine plan, yet you can be confident that nothing, absolutely nothing will keep Him from loving you.

Committed Love
When one marries, they are committing their love, loyalty, fidelity, and faithfulness to another.

Love Sincerely
Love is the greatest catalyst for change, sincere godly love, and it is what all who follow Christ should strive to share.

Means to an End
To put it simply, His suffering was a “means to an end”. Jesus was willing to die for us to live.

Sincere Love
Let us all strive to do better by echoing the message of Christ, to preach of the Kingdom of God conveying sincere love and the hope that we have through Him!

God Loves Us Anyway
Disobedience is worthy of punishment yet even when we fail to do what is right, God still loves us.

Indescribable Love
It demonstrates an overwhelming, indescribable love than can be compared to no one.

Christ’s Pure Unconditional Love
That kind of love is encompassed in the person of Christ who gave up His life for ours.

Thank God for His Enduring Love
Today, take a moment to look up in praise and say, “thank you Lord, for your love that endures forever”!