Desired Peace

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Shhhhh, quiet please. Silence, it’s hard to find in a world where there is so much going on. Silence offers an opportunity for reflection, to allow your mind to rest, to turn down not only what is going on outside but also what’s going on inside, that ever-running tape in your head that doesn’t want to shut down. Silence offers the opportunity to clearly hear from God as He speaks peace to your inner man. Setting your mind on Christ is putting yourself in the peace that Christ offers all who believe in Him. It is a place of love, acceptance, and calm, a most desired place. #Jesus #quietplace #peace #trust #silence #seekpeace #HEARGOD #SeeGod #Christ #seethesonrise


Find Solace in Silence


God Rescues and Rewards