Peace With You
When you talk about Jesus, you are talking about hope, peace, and faith, the faith to move forward to face whatever lies ahead.

Hoping and Believing
Trusting in God means actively, deliberately believing in His word and His power by way of the Holy Spirit to keep you even in difficult times.

Find Solace in Silence
The next time you seek to commune with God, find a place where you can shut out the noise and hear Him speak peace to your soul.

Desired Peace
Setting your mind on Christ is putting yourself in the peace that Christ offers all who believe in Him.

An Inheritance of Peace
When trouble comes, remember you have within you a precious inheritance, a gift that can quiet whatever seeks to take away the gift of Christ's peace. It is what Christ left for His children, an inheritance that money cannot buy.

Find Peace
Peace is a deliberate act exercised in stillness as you think on Him and the things He has done and can do.

Take Refuge, ALWAYS in the Lord
He is eternal and able to deliver what man cannot. Instead of seeking those who are limitless in power seek the One who is all powerful and can bring the peace that is so needed.

Live in Accordance
It is a matter of where your loyalty lies and if you love and fear God the choice is easy, live for Christ and live in peace.

HE Hears Your Plea
Today, let us not only pray for our nation but pray for our world, pray for a world that sincerely seeks God and for the best for all humankind.

We Need Prayer
Back then, leaders saw the need for a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, but not only prayer but a day of solemn humility and fasting.

Peace Be With You
And because of His death, we who believe will also know that He will bring us back to life but not life as we know if but life eternal

Unity Through Peace
If we truly are one in Christ then we are compelled to be one with each other!

Christmas Time Never Ends
So, the atmosphere of Christmas never has to end when you understand the real meaning of Christmas.

Shelter of the Most High
It is the place where unconditional love, grace, and mercy abide, the place where no one is cast out.
Rest Well Knowing God Is In Complete Control
If you want to experience peaceful sleep it begins with knowing that the Lord has everything in control.
Finding Peace in the Lord
What mustn’t be missed in this conversation is that Jesus did not say there would be peace in the world but peace in Him.