Rest Well Knowing God Is In Complete Control

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“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8).”

Not getting enough sleep is irritating but exactly what is keeping us awake? Throughout the day we run around focusing on tasks and rarely stop to ask ourselves are we okay. We're so busy being busy that taking a moment to breathe seems time consuming. However, it’s at night that our bodies are telling us we’re exhausted, that we're feeling anxious because we are unable to shut down all the activities and mental wranglings of the day. If you want to experience peaceful sleep it begins with knowing that the Lord has everything in control.

Many of the things that consume our thoughts can’t be fixed by worrying about them or by being anxious. Whether it’s people or situations, the Lord knows what’s keeping you up at night and if you give them to Him, you will find He cares about your well-being and He will put your mind at rest.

#Giveworriestogod #giveworriestogodandgotosleep

#liedowninpeace #seethesonrise


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