Ask in HIS Name
Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

Ask in HIS Name

So boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing that you receive what you’ve asked for because you ask in accordance with His will.

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HIS Joy, Your Strength
Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

HIS Joy, Your Strength

The next time you have a sense of conviction for wrongdoing, know that it is God doing a work in you so there is not reason to grieve, but rejoice knowing you have strength which comes from the Lord.

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The Spirit Will Intervene
Tonga Baniel Tonga Baniel

The Spirit Will Intervene

In our inability to articulate how we feel, the Holy Spirit steps in interceding for us, and it is through the inarticulable groans that He deciphers our pain.

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Blessed to Give
Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

Blessed to Give

But Christians should never be apprehensive to lend a hand, to weep with those who are weeping, to care, to simply give what you have or do what you can.

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Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

Commit to God

It is when you consciously determine to do the Lord’s work, He will put in place the action plan to reach the goal(s) set in place for you.

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