Take Refuge, ALWAYS in the Lord
He is eternal and able to deliver what man cannot. Instead of seeking those who are limitless in power seek the One who is all powerful and can bring the peace that is so needed.

Ask in HIS Name
So boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing that you receive what you’ve asked for because you ask in accordance with His will.

Spontaneous Reaction
Oh, that we would break out in song for all that God has done for us!!

HIS Joy, Your Strength
The next time you have a sense of conviction for wrongdoing, know that it is God doing a work in you so there is not reason to grieve, but rejoice knowing you have strength which comes from the Lord.

Prayer Strengthens Us
It’s time to get on your knees and boldly pray to God who is our strength and to seek His help in times of trouble.

The Spirit Will Intervene
In our inability to articulate how we feel, the Holy Spirit steps in interceding for us, and it is through the inarticulable groans that He deciphers our pain.

Refuge and Strength
No matter how hard you think things are, He will bring comfort and deliverance to your troubled soul.

Give Thanks Unto The Lord Unconditionally
So, give thanks to the One who loves you unconditionally. He is the lover of our soul.

Deliverance and Forgiveness
No one should be beyond forgiveness; it is for the sake of Christ that we have been forgiven.

Blessed to Give
But Christians should never be apprehensive to lend a hand, to weep with those who are weeping, to care, to simply give what you have or do what you can.

Patiently Wait on the Lord
It is what you confessed and believed by faith when you accepted Jesus as the Savior, and if you patiently wait, you will see the deliverance of the Lord.
Rest Well Knowing God Is In Complete Control
If you want to experience peaceful sleep it begins with knowing that the Lord has everything in control.
Commit to God
It is when you consciously determine to do the Lord’s work, He will put in place the action plan to reach the goal(s) set in place for you.
The Lord Answers
Cries to God may seemingly go unanswered but just because the answer isn’t immediate doesn’t mean that He does not hear you.