Ask in HIS Name

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (Johns 16:24)

Do you realize the access you have to the Father because of the work Jesus has done? Your access is unlimited and as such you don’t have to be apprehensive in approaching God. Because of Christ’s work completed on the cross you have a direct connection to Him. It is an honor confirmed through the Holy Spirit that will guide and direct you in prayer and glorify God. So boldly approach the throne of grace with confidence knowing that you receive what you’ve asked for because you ask in accordance with His will. #ask #InJesusName #HisLove #InJesus #pray #prayinconfidence #boldlypray #HolySpirit #JoyinHim #seethesonrise


Nothing Stops HIS Plans


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