Deliverance and Forgiveness

"But me, I will offer a sacrifice to you with a voice of thanks. That which I have promised, I will pay. Deliverance belongs to the Lord! (Jonah 2:9).”

Jonah ran from God because he didn’t want to proclaim the word of God to the people of Nineveh. He was judgmental and didn’t agree with the display of God’s mercy to what he deemed a heathen nation. He felt they deserved death. However there came a time when Jonah realized in the scheme of things, he had no say in what God had ordained. He acknowledged that whatever God decides, let it be because it will be. In time, Jonah repented and thanked God because he realized his own sinfulness and the forgiveness God granted to him. No one should be beyond forgiveness; it is for the sake of Christ that we have been forgiven. #GodForgives #Godloves #Seethesonrise


Generous Giving


Guarded Prayers