Following Christ
We are no longer dead but alive and God is building in us a house suitable to Him, a temple, the sacrifice (living for Him) that God receives and where His Spirit makes us alive.

Let Love Prevail
Therefore, practice love by giving love, opening your heart so that others can feel God’s presence living in you.

Remember Christ’s Sacrifice
Each time we eat of the bread, and we drink the wine, it brings to mind the ultimate price that was paid for our life.

Give A Sacrifice of Praise
If God does nothing else for us that alone is worthy of voices of praise and thanks to the Lord our Father.

Deliverance and Forgiveness
No one should be beyond forgiveness; it is for the sake of Christ that we have been forgiven.

Thanksgiving to God
Thanksgiving to God is a sacrifice because it takes effort and costs us something and demonstrates and shows our devotion to Him, while duty is based on obligation.
Remembering Our Fallen Military
It is a tremendous sacrifice and those of us who have never served in military service owe them immense appreciation for what was done for our safety and our liberty.
Mothers Emulate God’s Love
Mothers are caregivers and provide unconditional love towards their children.
A Gift of Eternal Life
For Mary, nothing would be good enough and her act was symbolic of the cost Jesus was willing to pay for our sins.