Thanksgiving to God

"Offer God a sacrifice of thanksgiving! Fulfill the promises you made to the Most High!" (Psalm 50:14)!”

We go to church, we follow the rituals of service that often include, prayer, singing and listening to a sermon, but is your worship out of duty or out of love and thanks to God? It sounds like a “duh (e.g., perceived as a foolish statement)” kind of question yet it bears consideration. It’s important not to link thankfulness and duty together. Thanksgiving to God is a sacrifice because it takes effort and costs us something and demonstrates and shows our devotion to Him, while duty is based on obligation. Giving conveys our faith, reverence, and love for God.
#worshipingiving #BethankfultoGod#sacrificetohim #loveGod #seethesonrise


Sing A Joyful Noise of Thanks


Be Generous in Giving