Let Love Prevail

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10

Loving God is loving others. We cannot say that we love God and hate our brothers and sisters. The very essence of love is action, demonstrating how we value others above ourselves seeking their good. Therefore, practice love by giving love, opening your heart so that others can feel God’s presence living in you. When you love freely, it is returned to you. It’s the way God loved us by giving of Himself, His only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord! #Godlovesus #LoveGod #loveothers #love #GodLovedUs #sacrificeoflove #helovesus #sharethelove #sacrificiallove #nofearinlove #Jesus #GodsSon #seethesonrise


An Inheritance of Peace


Love God