Love God

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

God loves us but how much do we really love Him? God promises us so much however with those promises there comes some pain and suffering. We always want the good but the only way to appreciate what is good is when we’ve experienced the bad. What the Apostle Paul is saying in this verse is comforting and that is what it is meant to be, comforting in light of suffering and pain. We will have suffering but know it is accomplishing a greater purpose, a greater good which is the will of God. And don’t miss the fact that the promise isn’t for everyone. It is “for those who love him”, those who have confidence in Him, those who trust Him. Those who love Him are willing to endure no matter how tough times get because it is a part of God’s plan. Which means, we do not live for ourselves but for the will of God and God alone. So, how much do you really love God? It is a question we all should consider.

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Let Love Prevail

