An Inheritance of Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

A good parent always will leave something behind for their children after their death. An inheritance to help them to remember them in their absence.

Jesus was about to depart from His disciples, and He wanted to assure them He was okay and that He loved them. He didn’t want them to be anxious, disturbed, or frightened. Death does that. It creates a range of emotions and that is not what Jesus wanted for them. He wanted them to have peace. Not peace in the absence of disturbance but peace that would live in their hearts whether He were present or absent from them. It was a gift that would carry them through the unforeseen and we too, those who believe have also been given that gift, an inheritance through Jesus Christ. His Holy Spirit is the peace, the gift that lives in our heart reassuring us that better days are ahead. When trouble comes, remember you have within you a precious inheritance, a gift that can quiet whatever seeks to take away the gift of Christ's peace. It is what Christ left for His children, an inheritance that money cannot buy. #powerintheblood #HolySpirit #GiftofGod #Godwithus #peaceofmind #peacewithin #power #peace #inheritance #Godschildren #Godspower #Godlovesus #Jesus #priceless #goodfather #Goodnews #seethesonrise


God Is For Us


Let Love Prevail