Remembering Our Fallen Military

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13).”

It’s Memorial Day, a day that we remember those who have died while on duty with the United States military. All across America the country pays their respect by visiting the grave sites of the fallen and holding special ceremonies to honor them and rightfully so.

It is no easy decision to enter into military service. Being in combat, separated from you friends and family can be overwhelming, stressful, creating mental unrest and yet brave men and women choose to put their lives in potential danger in order to protect others. It is a tremendous sacrifice and those of us who have never served in military service owe them immense appreciation for what was done for our safety and our liberty. It is an example of the sacrifice that God gave through His son for the sake of others. May we exercise sincere hearts of gratitude for the selflessness shown by these brave men and women.

Memorial Day Prayer

Lord may we never forget those who were willing to die to protect us from harm. They have left behind loved ones who too have suffered significant loss and yet Lord it is you that we look too to dry our tears, for comfort and for reassurance as we live in the hope of seeing them again.

You Most Holy Father were the ultimate sacrifice and we thank you for the promise of better days to come when we are once again reconciled to you. In the meantime we pray our hearts and our devotion be in you and in you alone.



His Faithfulness and Love Endures Forever


Healing and Forgiveness Begins with the Lord