Mothers Emulate God’s Love

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“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him (Psalm 127:3).”

In today’s world with women pursuing their careers and waiting to have children, new ways of bringing life into the world have evolved but these methods aren’t necessarily new. While some mother’s experienced natural conception and birth, others resorted to using surrogates (consider Sarah Abram’s wife) or other means (Pharaoh’s daughter who drew Moses from the water), the bottom line is they became mothers.

Mothers are caregivers and provide unconditional love towards their children. It’s unfortunate that I have to say that some who have become mothers lack the emotional ability to adequately care for and nurture their children. Does that make them less of a mother? If defined only by the ability to give birth then no however mother in the true sense is loving and knowing the child before you even see it, looking and seeing their soul even before they’ve been shaped into who they will become.

Thank God for mothers, for the ones whose love and sacrifice emulate the love God has for all of His children.


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