Remember Christ’s Sacrifice

“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

What sparks your memories? A scent, a taste, notes you’ve taken, a situation, a place, a thing, a movie etc. Many things can trigger our memory. Memory helps us recall events, helps us to gain understanding, and remembering Christ brings power. Taking holy communion is a way of bringing to mind the sacrifice Christ was willing to make on our behalf. A covenant (promise) made possible because of the love of God for us, and the submission of Christ to the will of His Father. Each time we eat of the bread, and we drink the wine, it brings to mind the ultimate price that was paid for our life. As He commands “do this in remembrance of me”. #Jesus #jesussaves #Hissacrifice #Godscovenant #thebloodofChrist #saved #rememberChrist #neverforget #Holycommunion #JesusIsLord #jesussaves #HeisHoly #seethesonrise


Plant, Water, Rejoice and Grow


Dependable Savior