Plant, Water, Rejoice and Grow
“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-9)
In 1 Corinthians 3, Paul is concerned about the division amongst the Corinthian Christians. They were divided based on loyalty of which teacher they followed. Paul wanted to make it clear, there are many teachers (in this case, Paul, Peter, and Apollos) however only one should get the credit and that is God and He alone.
Paul is showing how it all works together, the planting, the watering, and the resulting growth. Much like springtime (it is still spring although some have touted Memorial Day as the official start of summer), spring brings warmer temperatures and softer ground which is good for planting. Spring also increases the opportunity for rainfall helping to water the things planted, hoping to produce an abundant harvest, the time where diligent planters get to see the reward of the growing season.
We are servants of God, sharing the gospel so that others would come to repentance. We are planting. There will be some that will come after us who will water (that doesn’t mean that you won’t have opportunity to water the seed of the gospel you planted), but the harvest, that which grows, does so by the power of the Master. So, plant, water, and rejoice in the One who causes it to grow!
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