Love Sincerely

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9)

We sure could use a lot more love these days. We’re not short on hearing troubling news and depending on how you see things, certain events and situations don’t promote unity but instead division and in division it’s hard to see love. Paul says love must be sincere, genuine, not hypocritical. God knows our heart and if we’re honest, and if the spirit of God is living in us, then we know whether our love is sincere or not. Love is the greatest catalyst for change, sincere godly love, and it is what all who follow Christ should strive to share. #LoveLikeJesus #love #Sincere #Godisgood #heartofGod #SpiritofGod #seethesonrise


Committed Love


Plant, Water, Rejoice and Grow