Worthy Possessions

“Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions (Luke 12:15).”

Cyber Monday retailers were clamoring for your money. Sales began at midnight and although it is called “cyber-Monday” many retailers continued their perceived lower discounts running over into the next day. There’s nothing wrong with having things but you must be careful that you are not lured out of greed instead of necessity. Just like eating too much food can be problematic, having too many things is equally so which can lead to covetousness and idolatry. The Lord knows what we have need of and there may be times He will give you what you want but nothing should ever take the place of having Him. He is the only thing that is worth possessing. #salvationisfree #Jesuspaiditall #seekChrist #Jesus #seethesonrise


Indescribable Gift


Blessed Hope