Indescribable Gift

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)!”

This time of year sparks a sense of excitement and wonder. Frenzied shoppers, carolers, gift giving, food and more food, there is jubilation in the air. People are nicer, doing things for complete strangers just because. Whether it is to make the world a kinder place or in hopes that someone else will pass it on, it’s a wonderful feeling. So why does it take Thanksgiving and Christmas for people to exercise godly character? Maybe it’s the decorations or that so many others are feeling the same way and you feel their energy and as such, pass it on. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because of the real reason for the season. The reminder that we have a precious gift that has been given to us and that gift isn’t found in neatly wrapped packages, it is a priceless gift, a gift that money can’t buy. It is when you truly receive that gift, Christmas never has to end. #Jesus #thebestgiftever #thankGod #thegiftofChrist #Heisapreciousgift #seethesonrise


O’ Come Emmanuel


Worthy Possessions