Live Like Christ


“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16).”

As Christians we know that Jesus came for all people that means all ethnicities yet when it comes to organized worship, Sunday morning is still the most segregated day of the week. You could gather a few opinions on this. Culturally we may be more comfortable with people like ourselves, that look and think (or so we believe) like we do. However if we recall the message of Christ it is or should be clear that such is inconsistent with the life of Christ. He removed the barriers of color, ethnicity, and the like.

If you really want diversity, if you really want inclusion, if you really want to model a life of Christ then you have to do what He did. It sounds cliché but it is the truth. Ask yourself, “what would Jesus do and am I doing it”. It is cause for self-examination and only you and God know the truth about your intention and your action.

If the church really wants to be the church, the one that Jesus established, the one that God Himself instructed Jesus to build and taught His disciples to build, a church guided by the Spirit of the Living God, living a life that is representative of the nature of Christ, one that teaches the principles of Christ, and most of all, a church that loves with the love of Christ then you must learn to live like Christ.

Jesus came to save one and all and as His disciples there is still a lot of work to be done. Align your intentions with His heart and trust in the strength of love to mend racial divide.


God’s Great Love


God’s Deliverance