Give Thanks Anyway

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“Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

Life in Christ is to be lived in the realization that there will be times when you may think that He’s not there. But God is always there and He knows that life is a battlefield of good and evil and when it appears evil may be winning it is practically difficult if not impossible to give thanks. However the offer of thanksgiving is not on what He’s done but what you know that He can and will do.

It is when you don’t feel like giving thanks that you should thank Him anyway. Thanks to God is not what you feel but what you must do because it is in giving thanks to God, the One who fights for us, that you honor Him as you shift your thoughts away from your hardship to thankfulness exercising a God consciousness that brings you to the reason(s) to in all things give thanks.


Living for Christ

