Tonga Baniel Tonga Baniel

Trust God’s Promise

Change occurs when the physical environment changes and we then adapt to those changes.

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Renew Your Mind
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Renew Your Mind

When you were saved, the Holy Spirit took up residence in you and it is that power that lives inside of all believers that can reshape your thinking and allow you to see things the way God sees them.

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A Christmas Wish
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

A Christmas Wish

As a small child I remember when the Sears Christmas catalog would come in the mail and how I would flip through it dreaming of what I wanted and hoping in some mysteriously magical way that it would miraculously appear on Christmas morning. Unfortunately it was only a wish, a dream that most often didn’t come true but I refused to let my hope die.

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The Hope of Advent
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

The Hope of Advent

Sunday marked the beginning of Advent, a season of preparation. It is a time when Christians spend several weeks in penance, prayer and fasting as we prepare for the coming of Christ.

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Labor Day
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Labor Day

As we pray for those who are struggling today we ask that whatever the financial, emotional, physical or emotional need that you would meet that need. We pray this prayer in confidence in You the all-sufficient One and the One who died that we might live.

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Ask in Faith
Brenda Donnelly Brenda Donnelly

Ask in Faith

Trust the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray. Knowing His abiding presence assures certainty as you are led by faith according to His will, know that you can confidently ask, believe and receive. Sign up to be part of our Virtual Prayer Walk September 12-27.

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Love Is Grace
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Love Is Grace

Our gifts, our lives, our actions are worthless absent the presence of true sincere uncompromising love. It’s hard to fight when you love. The love of God is self-sacrificing and it is the kind of love we receive from Him every single day. It’s called grace.

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Out of Love
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Out of Love

Christians are held to high standards and we’re often criticized when we don’t meet another’s expectation of what we should do or be. Just because someone is a Christian doesn’t mean perfection. Just like anyone who seeks to live a life for Christ, it is a process, a constant maturing and acts of selflessness as you submit to God for the needs of others.  

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A Good Fight
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

A Good Fight

For boxers before getting in the ring they realize they need to condition their bodies. They engage in interval running and for those who are competitive boxers they spend 3-5 hours of training 5 times a week to prepare themselves to compete. Christians must also condition themselves to “fight the good fight of faith.”

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Time to Try God
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Time to Try God

Depression can take us down to some really dark places. At some point, we have to realize that we've tried everything to save ourselves. That's when we finally realize, it's time to try God.

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