A Christmas Wish

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“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope.” (Psalm 130:5)

Children love Christmastime. As they sit writing out their lists you can see the glee of expectation in their eyes of what they hope they will receive on Christmas Day.

As a small child I remember when the Sears Christmas catalog would come in the mail and how I would flip through it dreaming of what I wanted and hoping in some mysteriously magical way that it would miraculously appear on Christmas morning. Unfortunately it was only a wish, a dream that most often didn’t come true but I refused to let my hope die.

I’m not that little girl anymore but I haven’t lost my sense of wonder and desire but the wonder and desire has changed. I found something that’s worth more than any gift I could receive, and it is Christ Himself. Somehow whether I get what I want or not it is His word and His presence that brings me joy. Of course, I love gifts because it tells me that someone was thinking about me and when I received the gift of salvation God was thinking about me, that He loved me enough to send the ultimate gift, a gift of life and it is worth more than money can buy. For me, Jesus is the living hope and He is alive and active in my life. What I really wanted was never going to be found in a catalog but in my soul that begged for His presence.

When you have Jesus you have all you need for Christmas! He is Someone to hope for.


The Hope of Christmas


A Ray of Hope