A Ray of Hope

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“In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (John 1:4-5)

When you experience distress, reach your lowest point, you need something to hold onto, something that gives you a reason to look up, a message, a kind word, anything that brings light to an otherwise dark situation. You need look no further than the Lord God Himself.

The Christian life is not free of trials but it is equally filled with blessings. You just have to know where to find them. As I thought about this I was reminded of my own trials and how God allowed me to see Him while in the middle of darkness. God allows trials and reminded me that He is always there, I just have to look for Him and it was in one very simple act that He showed me just how easy it was.  

Recently, we set our clocks back as part of daylight-saving time. As it is getting darker earlier in the day, I realized I hadn’t adjusted my timer(s) that turned on the lights to accommodate the change. Because of this, when I enter my room it’s dark and I am unable to see where I am going. But I’m familiar with my room, the layout, the walls, the windows, where the furniture is located and the location of the light switch. Even in the dark I can find it because I’ve spent a lot of time in that room. I just had to trust what I remembered and every time I do, I am able to locate that light switch to turn on the light without stumbling or falling.

When you’ve spent time with the Lord your encounters with Him should be familiar. So much so that when even in the dark, you can find the light, His light. It is what I refer to as God’s “Ray of Hope.” Jesus is our hope, a light that shines in the dark, and for those whose hope is in Him it will never fail.


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