Hopeful in Prayer
but there is something we can do, we will pray for our God “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or thin, according to the power that worketh in us (Ephesians 3:20b)”

Confidence and Hope in God
but with God, we have hope, hope not just for today, but for the days to come.

Hope for the Lord
But if you hope in the Lord, His Holy Spirit will give you the power to experience joy, peace, and love no matter what the day brings.

Perfect Gifts
A gift that only He could give, a perfect gift, a gift and promise of a life both here and now.

Hoping and Believing
Trusting in God means actively, deliberately believing in His word and His power by way of the Holy Spirit to keep you even in difficult times.

Hope Even in Distress
He is the Father who holds you in His loving arms and comforting you in your tears.

Be Still and Trust HIM
Waiting on God is putting your hope in Him and trusting Him for the right outcome.

Light of Hope
He is truly the Light of the world who has come into the world bringing hope and salvation to all!

Rooted in Faith
It is the blessed hope rooted in faith that makes going on a little while longer worthwhile.

Sincere Love
Let us all strive to do better by echoing the message of Christ, to preach of the Kingdom of God conveying sincere love and the hope that we have through Him!

Christmas Time Never Ends
So, the atmosphere of Christmas never has to end when you understand the real meaning of Christmas.

Blessed Hope
From the Old testament until He returns, we celebrate His life, the life He has given to us, and the life that is to come.

Hope in Our Savior
We are His adopted children and as His children we look forward to the day when we will reside with Him.

Be NOT Discouraged
When Jesus gives you instructions it takes faith to believe in Him and in His unfailing love and promises.