Be NOT Discouraged

Don’t Be Discouraged

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).”

Little things can be cause for discouragement. Whether it is the result of a bruised ego, fear, tiredness, or failure, everyone gets discouraged at one time or another. Being discouraged is not a sign of inability but could be a sign of a lack of foundation and faith in Jesus Christ. When Jesus gives you instructions it takes faith to believe in Him and in His unfailing love and promises. Jesus’ promises are the foundation and the anecdote for failure! Trust Him and stand in faith to the One who is forever faithful.

#HopeInGod #Jesus #HopeInGod #faithful #seethesonrise #TrustInGod


Blessed Hope


Let Christ be Your Anchor