Blessed Hope

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1).”

Faith isn’t easy to come by especially if you’ve grown up in a world where things often go awry. But faith in God is what grounds us so that we can stand in what God has promised. Faith is the component in believing in God and is to be held onto when we can’t see what God has promised. And although you may not be able to see God if you look around, you'll see Him clearly evident in all creating things. God can be seen, and we can trust in not just what we see but Who we see. He is the blessed hope for all of yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrows.
#FaithInGod #hope #TrustInGod #faith#seethesonrise

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Hope in Our Savior


Be NOT Discouraged