Perfect Gifts

“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:13

Children love Christmas because they look forward to giving and receiving presents. They fill out their Christmas lists in hope that when they awake on Christmas morning, they will have their hopes realized. As Christians our love for Christmas isn’t (or shall I say “shouldn’t”) be for the gifts under the tree but the gift that hung on the tree. A gift that only He could give, a perfect gift, a gift and promise of a life both here and now. #Jesus #sacrifice #TheCrossOfChrist #GodsSon #thecross #cross #crucified #BirthOfJesus #bestgift #HopeInChrist #JesusCame #LoveOfGod #grace #JesusRevealed #bestgift #Perfect #TheChristChild #seethesonrise


Divine Favor

