Let the SON Refuel You


“He has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11a).”

Living in the Midwest you get use to the changing seasons. The springtime reminds me of new life. As spring emerges there are budding trees, the grass turns green, the rain waters the vegetation and the days get longer. Spring is rejuvenating and has a way of fueling energy and lifting the darkness and slothfulness of winter.

With all of that said, I must confess that I am not one known to grow plants. I do love seeing them and am always happy to receive floral arrangements but I’ve never been one to grow them on my own. This past Christmas I picked up some poinsettias to decorate my home and after the season was over I placed them on the kitchen counter to throw away. It was a few hours before I returned to complete my task only to find that as the sun beat down on them, they had started to bud and bloom. I could no longer throw them out because they still had life in them. What I thought were dead and no longer of use were alive and well.

The poinsettias taught me a lesson about how the Lord deals with us. What I saw as dead and no longer worth keeping, God saw them as alive and knew just what they needed to be rejuvenated and brought back to life. All they needed was the sun and so do we, the Son. That is what God does with us.

We are never beyond God’s ability to restore us and give us new life. My plants needed the “sun” and so do we. When we are exposed to the “Son”, God's Son we too will experience new life. I simply love the spring, and yes today, my plants are still alive!!


Wonderous Encounters


A Season of Optimism