Wonderous Encounters


“He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true (Revelation 21:5).”

Have you ever taken notes and something that is said gives you pause? John on the Island of Patmos may have had many reasons to pause as He wrote. It was there in this barren place that He began having visions and instructed to write what he’d seen. Can you imagine what that must have been like? He may have been so surprised or mesmerized that he had to be told, “Write this down”.

Divine encounters are not commonplace but they still occur and are often so unbelievable it is important to write them down, to remember the moments God spoke to you. Those times are undeniable whether anyone else believes you or not and such encounters are encouraging especially in hard times.

Never forget the wondrous things that God has done for you. It isn’t in writing those God moments down that will help you remember but it is in writing them down that you can focus on what you experienced with greater clarity and increased understanding.


Know the Lord


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