A Good Fight

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“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” (1 Timothy 6:12)

How do you remain true to what you believe?  It takes strong conviction and when it comes to your faith it means doing what is morally right, working to help others and making decisions that are good and perfect, aligning with the will of God.  This isn’t always easy but no good fight is ever easy especially if you want to experience success.  It takes commitment, training, and practice.  For boxers before getting in the ring they realize they need to condition their bodies. They engage in interval running and for those who are competitive boxers they spend 3-5 hours of training 5 times a week to prepare themselves to compete.  Christians must also condition themselves to “fight the good fight of faith.”

Christians aren’t expected to know everything but we are expected to be prepared to train so that we are able to defend not only what we believe but to cause others to want to enter the fight with you.  We condition by reading our word, spending time in prayer, fellowshipping with one another, meditating on His word, and helping others, doing something that causes others to want to come to get in the fight.

Our fight is not against flesh and blood but that which dishonors the will of God.  So condition yourselves with spiritual practices that build your strength so that you are able to endure and resist anything that strives to defeat the power and the will of God.


Out of Love


ACHANCE Health Awareness