Labor Day


“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward (Colossians 3:23).”

Today we celebrate the American worker and with so many people out of work there is a greater appreciation of having a job to go to.  Work allows the ability to care for family and personal needs which can be easily forgotten when feeling unappreciated or devalued.  

It’s important not to loose sight of the reasons for seeking employment in the first place but also to remember how God has given the ability and the skill to perform successfully to maintain employment. 

Today due to Covid19, many employers have allowed employees to work from home and being diligent and committed may require a bit more motivation than being in the workplace.  That kind of motivation comes when remembering Who has given the talent, the power, the means, and the competence to perform well.  However, let’s not forget those who have lost their jobs during this season.  May God grant all of their needs as we intercede for one another in prayer:

Most Gracious God,

This Labor day we are thankful for your ongoing provision yet for some it has become a time of famine.  We are not comfortable seeing another’s suffering and we desire that all would have their needs met.  Your word tells us that You shall supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory and it is in Your word we stand.  As we pray for those who are struggling today we ask that whatever the financial, emotional, physical or emotional need that you would meet that need.  We pray this prayer in confidence in You the all-sufficient One and the One who died that we might live.





One day at a time …


Mealtime Prayer