Obedience Brings Blessings

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“What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil (2 Kings 4:2b).”

God provides and such provision is illustrated in 2 Kings 4. Here is a woman who has lost her husband who was a strong believer yet he owed money to her husband’s creditors. She cried out to Elisha a prophet of God telling him the creditor was going to take her sons to work as slaves until the debt was paid. The prophet wanted to know what she had in her house and she responded all she had was a jar of oil. He instructed her to go and borrow vessels from her neighbors even empty ones as many as she could find. He then told her to go home and shut the door take what she had and to pour into the borrowed vessels.

This story isn’t just about a woman in need. It is a story about a woman who was empty monetarily but not devoid of faith. She never asked Elisha why she needed to collect empty vessels, instead she obeyed and had enough faith in the man of God which resulted ultimately in blessings too great to measure.

Faith grows every time you act out of obedience. God’s leading may be unclear and often not make sense however it is obedience that brings blessings!!


Call on the Lord


A Gift of Eternal Life