Watching and Waiting
It is in fully engaging with Him, with His Holy Spirit as you open the doorway to your heart allowing Him entry so that you may be blessed by Him.

Praising God Always
But most importantly, the reason we should praise God is simply because He is worthy to be praised because of who He is and His love for us.

Seeking Blessings
A good father always seeks the best for his children and the Lord God is the best Father to have.

Joyful Blessings
In Him we receive redemption, forgiveness, an inheritance according to His will, and purpose, not because of anything we have done but because of what Christ has done for us.

Rooted in Faith
It is the blessed hope rooted in faith that makes going on a little while longer worthwhile.

Peace Be With You
And because of His death, we who believe will also know that He will bring us back to life but not life as we know if but life eternal

Hope in Our Savior
We are His adopted children and as His children we look forward to the day when we will reside with Him.
Follow Jesus to Be Set Free
It is in the dutiful observance of His word that one is truly “set free”!
Following God’s Contingency Plan
He provided a way so that although we failed to align with His will we could still find our way back to Him.
Listen to God’s Promise
Thanks be to God for His blessings for it is because of His “I will” that we will reap the benefits of His blessings!
Count Your Blessings
We are blessed to know that our God is Great and that He is the One who brings peace where there is confusion.
Blessings of God
You can have insurmountable riches yet miss what and how God blesses whom He loves.