Praising God Always

“I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.” (Psalm 34:1-2)

When was the last time that you expressed your thanks to God? King David did it often. Whether in distress or in plenty, David recognized God’s power to keep Him in the midst of it all. Distress sends us seeking God because it reminds us of our need for Him and in His ability to see us through hard times. While in plenty, our praise gives us access to God as we develop our relationship with Him. But most importantly, the reason we should praise God is simply because He is worthy to be praised because of who He is and His love for us. #TrustInTheLord #God #PraiseGod #PraiseHim #GloryToGod #confidentinChrist #PowerOfGod #givethankstotheLord #AccessToGod #HisPresence #relationshipwithGod #seethesonrise


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