Glory to God
It is a praise of thanksgiving to those who believe in Him and to those who believe, they are those who receive His peace.

Offer Praise to HIM
These are moments to offer praise to Him, for His majesty and grandeur.

Praising God Always
But most importantly, the reason we should praise God is simply because He is worthy to be praised because of who He is and His love for us.

Joyful Blessings
In Him we receive redemption, forgiveness, an inheritance according to His will, and purpose, not because of anything we have done but because of what Christ has done for us.

Praise and Worship Prayer
It is this kind of prayer that acknowledges God’s authority, trusts in His will, and believes that no matter what, God’s will is best and we trust in His divine plan.

Peace Be With You
And because of His death, we who believe will also know that He will bring us back to life but not life as we know if but life eternal

Always Pray
It is a practice that opens the ears of God but opens our hearts as we gain understanding of why He is worthy of praise and thanks.

Give A Sacrifice of Praise
If God does nothing else for us that alone is worthy of voices of praise and thanks to the Lord our Father.

Thank God for His Enduring Love
Today, take a moment to look up in praise and say, “thank you Lord, for your love that endures forever”!
Worship Leads to Blessings
It is a relationship that brings growth, understanding, wellness and blessings that will last for a lifetime.

His Comfort
So, today, render praise to God our Father for His compassion and the comfort and strength He gives so that we may bring that same comfort to others.