Following God’s Contingency Plan

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“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things (Romans 8:32)?”

Have you ever made a plan and put things in place so that you could accomplish it? If you’ve lived long enough you probably already know that not all plans turn out the way that you wanted. In fact, it was in the beginning that the first plan was made for humankind and it failed. God's desire was that we would experience eternal life, have everything we needed and yet we (humankind) found a way to foil that plan. But with every good plan there should be a backup plan and God did just that. He provided a way so that although we failed to align with His will we could still find our way back to Him.

Yes, sin sought to ruin God’s initial plan but He had a contingency plan. It is Jesus who restores us and it is through belief in Him that allows us a way back to God’s original design for us. All He asks us to do is trust in Him and receive Him as our Lord and Savior and when we do, oh what blessings we will receive.


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