Follow Jesus to Be Set Free

“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

(John 8:31-32).”

There are a number of reasons people follow others. For some it is a way of being a part of something bigger than themselves. For others it is a level of trust found in the one they are following, and or they follow because of the charisma (compelling attractiveness or charm) exhibited but there are other reasons as well such as hope, stability and the compassion the one they are following has for others. Many who had heard Jesus teach began to follow Him but not all for the same reasons. It could have been because of the miracles he performed or possibly the language He spoke regarding deliverance and hope for a brighter day, or because they saw others following Him and simply didn’t want to be left out. Whatever the reason Jesus contended that in order to be His disciples, to truly be His followers one must hold to His teachings. This requires more than lip service but a committed allegiance and an unwavering belief in all of His teachings.

It is in the dutiful observance of His word that one is truly “set free”!


No Longer Slaves to Sin


Unlocking God’s Will