Promise Keeper
When you have Christ you have a place of refuge, a place you can run into and hide, a place of protection where He is always there, a dwelling place that brings total peace of mind.
Draw Closer
So, draw close to God and He will draw close to you, and it is through prayer that we feel Him near and are comforted by His presence.
HE Hears Your Plea
Today, let us not only pray for our nation but pray for our world, pray for a world that sincerely seeks God and for the best for all humankind.
Surrender to HIS Power
So don’t quit praying, start surrendering realizing that the power is in His hands.
Praise and Worship Prayer
It is this kind of prayer that acknowledges God’s authority, trusts in His will, and believes that no matter what, God’s will is best and we trust in His divine plan.
We Need Prayer
Back then, leaders saw the need for a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, but not only prayer but a day of solemn humility and fasting.
The Lord Restores
He is able to restore us even when we fall short. Don’t let anyone tell you that they have never sinned, they have.
Follow HIS Example
It’s easy to tell people how to follow Christ when it is modeled by someone who wholeheartedly followed Him.
Rooted in Faith
It is the blessed hope rooted in faith that makes going on a little while longer worthwhile.
Peace Be With You
And because of His death, we who believe will also know that He will bring us back to life but not life as we know if but life eternal
The Comforter
He promises never to leave nor forsake us and when you know He is there you can know with certainty that everything is going to be alright
Be Rooted in Christ
Jesus is alive and we too have a promise, a promise of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is a belief rooted in faith in Christ!
Means to an End
To put it simply, His suffering was a “means to an end”. Jesus was willing to die for us to live.
Sustainer of Life
So with great assurance trust that whatever betide (happens) God will take care of you.
Stay Committed
But it is when you refuse to quit believing, when you continue to hold to the faith you have in Him you will find that He does hear, and the end is greater than can be imagined.