Surrender to HIS Power

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18b)

Prayer, that solemn request to God, seeking Him in times of distress and need but most importantly to worship Him. It is an earnest petition spoken by those who hope in Him with the belief that He does hear and answer prayer. Simply put, prayer is talking to God, it is the way we as believers communicate with Him. The difficulty with prayer is that we go into prayer based on our own strength, with our own desire, while not truly surrendering to God for His will. If we remember we have no power and God has all power, we can trust that He does answer us, and although we seek His favor, He answers based on His will. He is all power, has all power, all authority, in all things. So don’t quit praying, start surrendering realizing that the power is in His hands. #prayer #worship #SeekHim #TrustGod #surrendertoGod #seekGodswill #WorshipGod #Godsfavor #Authority #Godanswersprayer #seethesonrise


HE Hears Your Plea


Praise and Worship Prayer