Stay Committed

“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.“ (Matthew 24:12-13)

Becoming overwhelmed or feeling you can’t go any further is a recipe for quitting. For example, it you’ve ever started an exercise program you understand how difficult it is to be committed especially if it’s been a while since you moved off the couch. You get started but somewhere along the way you realize it wasn’t as you imagined, and you find yourself quitting before you even get started. Often our ability to endure is rooted in our inability to handle a situation and exercise is not easy. If you focus on the pain, you won’t finish but when you focus on the end, somehow you are able to get through it. The same can be said when it comes to our faith.

When wickedness abounds, there is a perception of the absence of God. Your mind says it’s never going to change, doesn’t God hear me, doesn’t He care about all the wickedness that plagues the earth? But it is when you refuse to quit believing, when you continue to hold to the faith you have in Him you will find that He does hear, and the end is greater than can be imagined. So, hold fast to your faith and trust in God’s promise. #dontgiveup #God #faith #promisesofGod #YesAndAmen #stand #trustgod #seethesonrise


Sustainer of Life


Incomparable Love