Hoping and Believing
Trusting in God means actively, deliberately believing in His word and His power by way of the Holy Spirit to keep you even in difficult times.

Comfort Keeper
It’s possible, just open up His word and sit with Him and you’ll find the comfort you need in times of distress.

Compassion of the Father
If you’re looking for comfort you need look no further than the Lord alone who is the Father of all comfort.

Refuge and Strength
No matter how hard you think things are, He will bring comfort and deliverance to your troubled soul.
Comfort One Another
We may not be able to alleviate the pain of others, but we can be with them just like Jesus is with us providing encouragement and hope.
Rest in HIS Loving Arms
is a call for the hurting, the broken, the weary, He says; "just come, in me you will find rest".
HIS Unfailing Love Lasts
His word and His promises are of great comfort to those who believe.
God Walks With Us Always
It is His presence that comforts bringing consolation and relief. We need not fear evil, God is with us.
The Comfort of God
Jesus brings us comfort through the Comforter, His Holy Spirit, reassuring us that when we return to Him, we experience blessedness, the divine favor of our Lord.

Consolation of the Soul
It is the breath of God that feeds the soul and He is the only One who can bring comfort to it.

Comfort in His Word
So the next time you find yourself down hearted, feeling overwhelmed and experiencing despair, remember His word and feel the comfort of His promise and His presence.

His Comfort
So, today, render praise to God our Father for His compassion and the comfort and strength He gives so that we may bring that same comfort to others.