The Comfort of God


“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4).”

There are some scriptures taken literally appear illogical. Why would someone feel blessed in deep sorrow? Aren’t these the times when our hearts are breaking, and our souls are experiencing unrest? That would be true if we take this scripture literally. Contextually, this verse isn’t talking about mourning over death but those who are mourning over their sin. Having a deeply felt sorrow for what we have done and recognizing our sinful state and the need for salvation is recognizing the comfort we receive when we commune with Christ. That is why we are blessed or made happy. It is a state of happiness that the world can’t provide. Jesus brings us comfort through the Comforter, His Holy Spirit, reassuring us that when we return to Him, we experience blessedness, the divine favor of our Lord.


Tap Into Christ for Strength


Praise HIM Always