HIS Unfailing Love Lasts


“May your unfailing love be my comfort, according to your promise to your servant (Psalm 119:76).”

When experiencing physical pain we want to be comforted. Many things provoke pain, whether an accident, the emotional pain over the loss of a loved one, hearing disappointing news, overwhelming grief, and that feeling of defeat can all perpetuate pain. We want something or someone who will ease that pain and we have Someone and His name is Jesus. As Christians we have Christ whose unfailing love wraps His arms around us helping us to endure when we are suffering. His word and His promises are of great comfort to those who believe. He understands what we’re going through because He Himself suffered pain, enduring the cross to bring us a promise of life, a day where there will be no more pain. May our hope in Christ never fail.


Rest in HIS Loving Arms


God Walks With Us Always