Hoping and Believing
Trusting in God means actively, deliberately believing in His word and His power by way of the Holy Spirit to keep you even in difficult times.

Joyful Blessings
In Him we receive redemption, forgiveness, an inheritance according to His will, and purpose, not because of anything we have done but because of what Christ has done for us.

Meditate and Listen
If you want to experience the life God has for you then why not begin to focus on the things, He’s said to you.

HIS Joy, Your Strength
The next time you have a sense of conviction for wrongdoing, know that it is God doing a work in you so there is not reason to grieve, but rejoice knowing you have strength which comes from the Lord.

Christmas Time Never Ends
So, the atmosphere of Christmas never has to end when you understand the real meaning of Christmas.

Joy of Salvation
That is how we can humbly ask, “restore to me the joy of your salvation”.

Joy in Christ
The joy he is speaking of is a fruit of the spirit, meaning, it doesn’t come from things but from within, the spirit of God living inside of all believers.

Joy in Doing His Will
Life’s journeys are often filled with the unexpected and the occasional mishap but if you follow the path God lays out for you, you will find that even in the direst conditions you can experience joy and that joy comes from knowing God is with you.