Joyful Blessings
Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

Joyful Blessings

In Him we receive redemption, forgiveness, an inheritance according to His will, and purpose, not because of anything we have done but because of what Christ has done for us.

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HIS Joy, Your Strength
Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

HIS Joy, Your Strength

The next time you have a sense of conviction for wrongdoing, know that it is God doing a work in you so there is not reason to grieve, but rejoice knowing you have strength which comes from the Lord.

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Tonga Baniel Tonga Baniel


It is the expectation of the promise not only of HIS birth but also of HIS triumphant return!

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Joy in Christ
Devotions Tonga Baniel Devotions Tonga Baniel

Joy in Christ

The joy he is speaking of is a fruit of the spirit, meaning, it doesn’t come from things but from within, the spirit of God living inside of all believers.

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Pure Joy!
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Pure Joy!

Worldly wisdom sees trials as distress, sadness, despair and pain but scripture commands we should see such as an opportunity to build, to build our faith, to increase our endurance, to grow us up and mature us in the faith.

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Joy in Doing His Will
Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly

Joy in Doing His Will

Life’s journeys are often filled with the unexpected and the occasional mishap but if you follow the path God lays out for you, you will find that even in the direst conditions you can experience joy and that joy comes from knowing God is with you.

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Devotions Brenda Donnelly Devotions Brenda Donnelly


It is the third week of Advent and we focus on joy. When someone has been good to you, provided for your needs and looked out for your welfare, the appropriate response would be to be thankful and to want to please them.

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