Meditate and Listen

“I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.” (Psalm 119:15)

You've probably heard it before, “the way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel determines the way you act (Rick Warren)” and it’s true. So why not think on the things that bring joy? If you want to experience the life God has for you then why not begin to focus on the things, He’s said to you. From cover to cover, God provides words of encouragement and if you fill your thoughts with His word, you will experience a love that will take your breath away. Resolve to know God more every day through the study of His word. #THINKONTHESETHINGS #God #HolySpirit#pure #joyinChrist #Godsword #thebible#experienceGod #listentoGod#bestillbeforeGod #seethesonrise


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